"Orange runs" is there a solution?

Forum dédié au dernier jeu de Lankhor
Messages : 2
Enregistré le : 13-02-2010 16:48

"Orange runs" is there a solution?

Message non lu par hundling »


I'm still playing SPM 2003 it's running stable and it's still the best game of its kind, but there is one bug which I really hate I hope there is a solution.

After playing some time I always have one or two slopes in my resort which are orange, and they stay orange, I cannot close them (if they were opened), and I cannot open them (if they were closed, before turning orange). And I even cannot remove these slopes. The status of the guards is green and they go up and down that slope, but are never going to drive with the snowcat (and i really waited a long time and watched what these guys are doing). I tried to dismiss the guards and get new ones, building a new snowcat station, etc. nothing helped.

Now I even tried it with a Hex Editor and compared two savegames in the area around the name of the slope to find out where the status is. Unfortunately it seems that this is not saved closed to the name of the run.

Any suggestions? Solutions? Is there a developer who reminds the offset where this is saved?
Messages : 14
Enregistré le : 02-02-2010 18:41

Re: "Orange runs" is there a solution?

Message non lu par Th0mAs »


I haven't got this problem :|
You can forget them et continue to play xD

Sorry for my bad english


Traduction (au cas où :D )

Je n'ai jamais eu ce bug :|
Tu peux oublier ces pistes et continué à jouer xD

Messages : 2
Enregistré le : 13-02-2010 16:48

Re: "Orange runs" is there a solution?

Message non lu par hundling »

With the help of a friend I found the right register with ollydbg while SPM was running. It was possible to edit the status of the slope and to overrule the message "Wait until there are no people...", and then to delete these slopes. Yeah! :D

"Orange runs" is there a solution

Message non lu par SwondeR »

Hi all,

I am trying to create a user that has access ONLY to 1 solution in my solution manager system.
I do not want the user to see any other solutions and information in those solutions.

is there a document which I can follow to set this up?

Thanks for any help you can provide.

Messages : 1
Enregistré le : 16-01-2025 22:12

Re: "Orange runs" is there a solution?

Message non lu par horespro »


I like SPM so much. Playing for 15 years

I am also have problem with orange runs

I recognise that after runs become orange its immidiatly drop on sku attendant
And his status "red" the run would be orange forewhere

So it coul come orange while one of SA (ski attendant) in learning center
Or have no tasks

So when I add new SA I just discard all SA tasks. After give back

It works. Till 2010 only 1 from 20 runs orange
Because if orange runs drops on SA who deal with avalnche allert - you have no choice

So - the option to delete run with no waiting "everybody leaves" is great
How to do it?)